We've moved!

To bitiboukou (aka ένα ακόμα blog) ζεί πλέον σε άλλο σαιτ. Όλα τα καινούργια άρθρα θα ανέβουν στο bitiboukou.com

Υπάρχουν πολλά καλά πράματα για διάβασμα εδώ όμως, οπότε take a look.

Τα λέμε στην άλλη πλευρά.



Edit and Freestyle

What are this?
I do not know.
Sitting in this room
The footage still raw.

Undecided and confused
I stare at the wall
My film not infused
To shit it go all.

But once this is over
And the pressure is off
I will have a hangover
On Rum and Smirnoff.

And Iulia is here
Germy and cute
Leaning towards my ear
I just wanna puke.

And Jazz music is playing
And things getting funk
Freestyling and saying
I feel happy and drunk.


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